
Compare money transfers, currency exchange and international transfer

Sat 27 Jul 2024 11:21GMT

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International Money Transfer - Compare and Save on Currency Transfers

Welcome to Money Transfer UK, your currency exchange comparison site with live exchange rates updated every minute. Whether you are looking to emigrate, require international transfer of funds, purchasing a high value asset, making regular payments abroad or just looking to send money online, Money Transfer UK will give you the currency tools to compare and save. Get started by selecting which country from and to below:

UK to Canada 1 GBP = 1.7796 CAD Money transfer to Canada from UK
USA to Canada 1 USD = 1.3829 CAD Money transfer to Canada from USA
Australia to Canada 1 AUD = 0.9054 CAD Money transfer to Canada from Australia
France to Canada 1 EUR = 1.5035 CAD Money transfer to Canada from France
Italy to Canada 1 EUR = 1.5035 CAD Money transfer to Canada from Italy
New Zealand to Canada 1 NZD = 0.8143 CAD Money transfer to Canada from New Zealand
South Africa to Canada 1 ZAR = 0.0757 CAD Money transfer to Canada from South Africa
Spain to Canada 1 EUR = 1.5035 CAD Money transfer to Canada from Spain
Thailand to Canada 1 THB = 0.0385 CAD Money transfer to Canada from Thailand
Turkey to Canada 1 TRY = 0.0419 CAD Money transfer to Canada from Turkey
UAE to Canada 1 AED = 0.3765 CAD Money transfer to Canada from UAE
Germany to Canada 1 EUR = 1.5035 CAD Money transfer to Canada from Germany
India to Canada 1 INR = 0.0165 CAD Money transfer to Canada from India
Canada to UK 1 CAD = 0.5619 GBP Money transfer to UK from Canada
USA to UK 1 USD = 0.7771 GBP Money transfer to UK from USA
Australia to UK 1 AUD = 0.5088 GBP Money transfer to UK from Australia
France to UK 1 EUR = 0.8448 GBP Money transfer to UK from France
Italy to UK 1 EUR = 0.8448 GBP Money transfer to UK from Italy
New Zealand to UK 1 NZD = 0.4576 GBP Money transfer to UK from New Zealand
South Africa to UK 1 ZAR = 0.0425 GBP Money transfer to UK from South Africa
Spain to UK 1 EUR = 0.8448 GBP Money transfer to UK from Spain
Thailand to UK 1 THB = 0.0217 GBP Money transfer to UK from Thailand
Turkey to UK 1 TRY = 0.0236 GBP Money transfer to UK from Turkey
UAE to UK 1 AED = 0.2116 GBP Money transfer to UK from UAE
Germany to UK 1 EUR = 0.8448 GBP Money transfer to UK from Germany
India to UK 1 INR = 0.0093 GBP Money transfer to UK from India
Canada to USA 1 CAD = 0.7231 USD Money transfer to USA from Canada
UK to USA 1 GBP = 1.2868 USD Money transfer to USA from UK
Australia to USA 1 AUD = 0.6547 USD Money transfer to USA from Australia
France to USA 1 EUR = 1.0872 USD Money transfer to USA from France
Italy to USA 1 EUR = 1.0872 USD Money transfer to USA from Italy
New Zealand to USA 1 NZD = 0.5888 USD Money transfer to USA from New Zealand
South Africa to USA 1 ZAR = 0.0547 USD Money transfer to USA from South Africa
Spain to USA 1 EUR = 1.0872 USD Money transfer to USA from Spain
Thailand to USA 1 THB = 0.0279 USD Money transfer to USA from Thailand
Turkey to USA 1 TRY = 0.0303 USD Money transfer to USA from Turkey
UAE to USA 1 AED = 0.2723 USD Money transfer to USA from UAE
Germany to USA 1 EUR = 1.0872 USD Money transfer to USA from Germany
India to USA 1 INR = 0.0119 USD Money transfer to USA from India
Canada to Australia 1 CAD = 1.1045 AUD Money transfer to Australia from Canada
UK to Australia 1 GBP = 1.9655 AUD Money transfer to Australia from UK
USA to Australia 1 USD = 1.5274 AUD Money transfer to Australia from USA
France to Australia 1 EUR = 1.6605 AUD Money transfer to Australia from France
Italy to Australia 1 EUR = 1.6605 AUD Money transfer to Australia from Italy
New Zealand to Australia 1 NZD = 0.8993 AUD Money transfer to Australia from New Zealand
South Africa to Australia 1 ZAR = 0.0836 AUD Money transfer to Australia from South Africa
Spain to Australia 1 EUR = 1.6605 AUD Money transfer to Australia from Spain
Thailand to Australia 1 THB = 0.0426 AUD Money transfer to Australia from Thailand
Turkey to Australia 1 TRY = 0.0463 AUD Money transfer to Australia from Turkey
UAE to Australia 1 AED = 0.4158 AUD Money transfer to Australia from UAE
Germany to Australia 1 EUR = 1.6605 AUD Money transfer to Australia from Germany
India to Australia 1 INR = 0.0182 AUD Money transfer to Australia from India
Canada to France 1 CAD = 0.6651 EUR Money transfer to France from Canada
UK to France 1 GBP = 1.1836 EUR Money transfer to France from UK
USA to France 1 USD = 0.9198 EUR Money transfer to France from USA
Australia to France 1 AUD = 0.6022 EUR Money transfer to France from Australia
New Zealand to France 1 NZD = 0.5416 EUR Money transfer to France from New Zealand
South Africa to France 1 ZAR = 0.0503 EUR Money transfer to France from South Africa
Thailand to France 1 THB = 0.0256 EUR Money transfer to France from Thailand
Turkey to France 1 TRY = 0.0279 EUR Money transfer to France from Turkey
UAE to France 1 AED = 0.2504 EUR Money transfer to France from UAE
India to France 1 INR = 0.011 EUR Money transfer to France from India
Canada to Italy 1 CAD = 0.6651 EUR Money transfer to Italy from Canada
UK to Italy 1 GBP = 1.1836 EUR Money transfer to Italy from UK
USA to Italy 1 USD = 0.9198 EUR Money transfer to Italy from USA
Australia to Italy 1 AUD = 0.6022 EUR Money transfer to Italy from Australia
New Zealand to Italy 1 NZD = 0.5416 EUR Money transfer to Italy from New Zealand
South Africa to Italy 1 ZAR = 0.0503 EUR Money transfer to Italy from South Africa
Thailand to Italy 1 THB = 0.0256 EUR Money transfer to Italy from Thailand
Turkey to Italy 1 TRY = 0.0279 EUR Money transfer to Italy from Turkey
UAE to Italy 1 AED = 0.2504 EUR Money transfer to Italy from UAE
India to Italy 1 INR = 0.011 EUR Money transfer to Italy from India
Canada to New Zealand 1 CAD = 1.2281 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Canada
UK to New Zealand 1 GBP = 2.1855 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from UK
USA to New Zealand 1 USD = 1.6984 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from USA
Australia to New Zealand 1 AUD = 1.1119 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Australia
France to New Zealand 1 EUR = 1.8464 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from France
Italy to New Zealand 1 EUR = 1.8464 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Italy
South Africa to New Zealand 1 ZAR = 0.0929 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from South Africa
Spain to New Zealand 1 EUR = 1.8464 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Spain
Thailand to New Zealand 1 THB = 0.0473 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Thailand
Turkey to New Zealand 1 TRY = 0.0515 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Turkey
UAE to New Zealand 1 AED = 0.4624 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from UAE
Germany to New Zealand 1 EUR = 1.8464 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from Germany
India to New Zealand 1 INR = 0.0203 NZD Money transfer to New Zealand from India
Canada to South Africa 1 CAD = 13.2152 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Canada
UK to South Africa 1 GBP = 23.5174 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from UK
USA to South Africa 1 USD = 18.2759 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from USA
Australia to South Africa 1 AUD = 11.9652 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Australia
France to South Africa 1 EUR = 19.8687 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from France
Italy to South Africa 1 EUR = 19.8687 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Italy
New Zealand to South Africa 1 NZD = 10.7608 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from New Zealand
Spain to South Africa 1 EUR = 19.8687 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Spain
Thailand to South Africa 1 THB = 0.5093 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Thailand
Turkey to South Africa 1 TRY = 0.5541 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Turkey
UAE to South Africa 1 AED = 4.9757 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from UAE
Germany to South Africa 1 EUR = 19.8687 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from Germany
India to South Africa 1 INR = 0.2183 ZAR Money transfer to South Africa from India
Canada to Spain 1 CAD = 0.6651 EUR Money transfer to Spain from Canada
UK to Spain 1 GBP = 1.1836 EUR Money transfer to Spain from UK
USA to Spain 1 USD = 0.9198 EUR Money transfer to Spain from USA
Australia to Spain 1 AUD = 0.6022 EUR Money transfer to Spain from Australia
New Zealand to Spain 1 NZD = 0.5416 EUR Money transfer to Spain from New Zealand
South Africa to Spain 1 ZAR = 0.0503 EUR Money transfer to Spain from South Africa
Thailand to Spain 1 THB = 0.0256 EUR Money transfer to Spain from Thailand
Turkey to Spain 1 TRY = 0.0279 EUR Money transfer to Spain from Turkey
UAE to Spain 1 AED = 0.2504 EUR Money transfer to Spain from UAE
India to Spain 1 INR = 0.011 EUR Money transfer to Spain from India
Canada to Thailand 1 CAD = 25.9482 THB Money transfer to Thailand from Canada
UK to Thailand 1 GBP = 46.1768 THB Money transfer to Thailand from UK
USA to Thailand 1 USD = 35.885 THB Money transfer to Thailand from USA
Australia to Thailand 1 AUD = 23.4939 THB Money transfer to Thailand from Australia
France to Thailand 1 EUR = 39.0124 THB Money transfer to Thailand from France
Italy to Thailand 1 EUR = 39.0124 THB Money transfer to Thailand from Italy
New Zealand to Thailand 1 NZD = 21.1291 THB Money transfer to Thailand from New Zealand
South Africa to Thailand 1 ZAR = 1.9635 THB Money transfer to Thailand from South Africa
Spain to Thailand 1 EUR = 39.0124 THB Money transfer to Thailand from Spain
Turkey to Thailand 1 TRY = 1.088 THB Money transfer to Thailand from Turkey
UAE to Thailand 1 AED = 9.77 THB Money transfer to Thailand from UAE
Germany to Thailand 1 EUR = 39.0124 THB Money transfer to Thailand from Germany
India to Thailand 1 INR = 0.4286 THB Money transfer to Thailand from India
Canada to Turkey 1 CAD = 23.8495 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from Canada
UK to Turkey 1 GBP = 42.442 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from UK
USA to Turkey 1 USD = 32.9826 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from USA
Australia to Turkey 1 AUD = 21.5937 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from Australia
France to Turkey 1 EUR = 35.857 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from France
Italy to Turkey 1 EUR = 35.857 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from Italy
New Zealand to Turkey 1 NZD = 19.4201 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from New Zealand
South Africa to Turkey 1 ZAR = 1.8047 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from South Africa
Spain to Turkey 1 EUR = 35.857 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from Spain
Thailand to Turkey 1 THB = 0.9191 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from Thailand
UAE to Turkey 1 AED = 8.9797 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from UAE
Germany to Turkey 1 EUR = 35.857 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from Germany
India to Turkey 1 INR = 0.394 TRY Money transfer to Turkey from India
Canada to UAE 1 CAD = 2.6559 AED Money transfer to UAE from Canada
UK to UAE 1 GBP = 4.7264 AED Money transfer to UAE from UK
USA to UAE 1 USD = 3.673 AED Money transfer to UAE from USA
Australia to UAE 1 AUD = 2.4047 AED Money transfer to UAE from Australia
France to UAE 1 EUR = 3.9931 AED Money transfer to UAE from France
Italy to UAE 1 EUR = 3.9931 AED Money transfer to UAE from Italy
New Zealand to UAE 1 NZD = 2.1627 AED Money transfer to UAE from New Zealand
South Africa to UAE 1 ZAR = 0.201 AED Money transfer to UAE from South Africa
Spain to UAE 1 EUR = 3.9931 AED Money transfer to UAE from Spain
Thailand to UAE 1 THB = 0.1024 AED Money transfer to UAE from Thailand
Turkey to UAE 1 TRY = 0.1114 AED Money transfer to UAE from Turkey
Germany to UAE 1 EUR = 3.9931 AED Money transfer to UAE from Germany
India to UAE 1 INR = 0.0439 AED Money transfer to UAE from India
Canada to Germany 1 CAD = 0.6651 EUR Money transfer to Germany from Canada
UK to Germany 1 GBP = 1.1836 EUR Money transfer to Germany from UK
USA to Germany 1 USD = 0.9198 EUR Money transfer to Germany from USA
Australia to Germany 1 AUD = 0.6022 EUR Money transfer to Germany from Australia
New Zealand to Germany 1 NZD = 0.5416 EUR Money transfer to Germany from New Zealand
South Africa to Germany 1 ZAR = 0.0503 EUR Money transfer to Germany from South Africa
Thailand to Germany 1 THB = 0.0256 EUR Money transfer to Germany from Thailand
Turkey to Germany 1 TRY = 0.0279 EUR Money transfer to Germany from Turkey
UAE to Germany 1 AED = 0.2504 EUR Money transfer to Germany from UAE
India to Germany 1 INR = 0.011 EUR Money transfer to Germany from India
Canada to India 1 CAD = 60.5391 INR Money transfer to India from Canada
UK to India 1 GBP = 107.7341 INR Money transfer to India from UK
USA to India 1 USD = 83.7225 INR Money transfer to India from USA
Australia to India 1 AUD = 54.8131 INR Money transfer to India from Australia
France to India 1 EUR = 91.0189 INR Money transfer to India from France
Italy to India 1 EUR = 91.0189 INR Money transfer to India from Italy
New Zealand to India 1 NZD = 49.2958 INR Money transfer to India from New Zealand
South Africa to India 1 ZAR = 4.581 INR Money transfer to India from South Africa
Spain to India 1 EUR = 91.0189 INR Money transfer to India from Spain
Thailand to India 1 THB = 2.3331 INR Money transfer to India from Thailand
Turkey to India 1 TRY = 2.5384 INR Money transfer to India from Turkey
UAE to India 1 AED = 22.794 INR Money transfer to India from UAE
Germany to India 1 EUR = 91.0189 INR Money transfer to India from Germany

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